We will be hosting our annual Fall Festival on Sunday October 27, 2019 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at SFBC. For all kids from Pre-K through elementary school and their families, please join us for a fun evening filled with food, games, costumes, prizes, and fellowship! Feel free to invite your friends for this fun outreach event! Please register at
The first few words of the Great Commission is “…Go therefore…”. We’ll be going to the 19th Avenue Healthcare Center on December 3rd to share a program, a gift, and most of all, the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ. We’ll meet at 2043 19th Avenue at 2:00pm and will conclude our program at 3:30pm. We invite all SFBC believers to join us so that we can reach all 140 patients. Look for more information about the program, practice schedule, etc. For more information, please contact Wayman/Irene J or Albert/Grace L.
“…Come, ye thankful people, come…” Come and join us on Sunday, November 5th from 1:00-3:00pm to sing, to give thank and to praise the Lord for who He is and how He has cared for us. The theme is found in Ephesians 5:20, “…always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;..” We’ll first ‘break bread together’ with a bowl of soup. Then we’ll sing, give thank, and praise the Lord. Bring a can of chicken or beef based soup per person to the kitchen at 11:00. We invite all SFBC attendees to join us. For more information, please contact Albert/Grace L or Wayman/Irene J.
Our annual Ladies Christmas Luncheon will be held Saturday, December 8th (10:30 AM – 2:15 PM). Cost is $10 for regular attendees. Guests are free. Childcare (6mo – 4yo) available.
RSVP by Nov 25th:
go.sfbible.org/ladies-lunch. Please pay: Cat H/ Lily L (8am Service) or Joanne D/ Aini T (11:10am Service). If you can help serve (men or women), please sign up here:
go.sfbible.org/ladies-lunch-volunteer. Questions? Please email
The Men’s Ministry will be spending a day at the range on Saturday October 13th. Meet at the church garage at 8 AM. This event is open to all men, college age and up. Bring your own lunch. Unless you have attended this event before, there is a mandatory safety briefing on Wednesday evening, October 10th, 7 PM at church. Contact Nhan H or Ed Y for more details.
With the majority of the English congregation at the retreat on Sunday Oct 8th, there will be no 8am or 11am English Service nor English Sunday
School at 9:30. We’ll be holding a joint bilingual worship service here at church on 10/8 at 9:30am. There will be a children’s program here at
church during the joint worship service.