Join us on Sunday Sept 24th from 1:00 – 3:30 pm. Our speakers from Thrivent will be sharing on the following topics: Setting Financial Goals, Budgeting, Emergency Fund, Insurance, Using Credit, Investing, Tax Planning, Saving for College, Retirement Planning, and Estate Planning. Sign-up by Sept 17th at For more info, pick up a postcard on literature table in the worship hall lobby, contact Albert/Grace Lee or Wayman/Irene J, or email: Today, September 24th is the deadline to register for our annual Church Family Retreat. This year our retreat will start on Friday Oct 6th and run through Sunday Oct 8th. A copy of driving directions is available on the literature (and copies will be emailed to all attendees who provides us their email address.) The Men’s Ministry will resume meetings in August. The Wednesday group resumes meetings on August 2nd. The Saturday group resumes meetings on August 5th. The study will be on the book of John. June begins a new Sunday School Quarter and for this June thru August Quarter, we are considering changing the topic of the Adult 3 Class (Dale’s class) from a class on Christology to a class on How to Study the Bible (i.e. Bible Study Methods) due to expressed interest from some SFBC members for training in this area. Whether we do so will be determined by how many sign up. If you are interested in attending a class on Bible Study Methods to be held during the 9:30am Sunday School hour during the next Quarter starting in June, you need to fill out this form: by 11PM on Thursday May 25th. Starting June (new Sunday School Quarter), we’ll be starting the Fundamentals of the Faith Class. This class will help you in your understanding of biblical truths and the fundamentals of the faith which form the essential foundation for one who identifies themselves as a believer in Jesus Christ. This class serves as a valuable step to forming the roots of lifelong discipleship. This is the class for those who would like to understand what Christians believe; for new Christians who would like to get grounded in their faith; as well as for seasoned believers who wants to shore up or refresh their knowledge of the fundamentals of their Christian faith. If you are interested in attending please contact Jimmy N. The class will only be held if enough people are interested.