Want to learn simple changes to make your life easier and safer as you care for yourself and your loved ones? Join us for the ‘Growing-In-Grace-In-Place’ Occupational Therapy for Seniors seminar on Sunday, January 27, 2019 @ 1:00 – 3:30 pm. All seminar attendees are invited to a complimentary luncheon starting at 1pm. You must RSVP by January 20th at
https://go.sfbible.org/otseminar or contact Albert/Grace L or Wayman/Irene J. For more information, see poster or pick up a postcard.
We would very much like to have all members and attenders included in our photo directory. If you haven’t already signup to have your picture taken, please go to
https://go.sfbible.org/photosession to schedule an appointment between 1/9 to 1/12. If you are unable to find a time slot that works for you, do waitlist and we can try to make accommodations.
For those who like to use weekly offering envelopes, new sets of envelopes are available on the wall opposite our copier. Please be sure to fill in your name on the sign up sheet so we know who has which numbered set of envelopes. For those of you who only need an envelope occasionally, we do have individual
offering envelopes available on the table to your left as you enter the worship hall. Please do not use the new set before Jan 2019.
For donations to be counted towards your 2018 giving, they must be received no later than Dec. 31st. You can drop donations in the secure mail drop box located
on the wall opposite the copier or turn the donation into Archie. Contributions through the US mail must be postmarked by Dec 31.