We have an opportunity to serve Danny & Ellen N. as they welcomed baby Hudson into their family in October. Their meal schedule is full but if you would like to bring them a meal on a different day please contact Tiffany C, tiffany.chin@sfbible.org. December 3rd begins a new Sunday School Quarter with the following classes: If you are interested in singing in a choir for our Christmas Program, please contact Stan L. The choir is looking for those with some choir/singing experience. But, even if you don’t have a lot of experience and are interested speak with Stan, too! Intensive practices will start in November after church. More details to follow. In appreciation of our pastors’ ministry to us, we’ll be taking up a love offering for them starting today thru January 3rd. Please designate the donation as “Pastoral Love Offering”. The love offering will be divided between our three pastors. In appreciation of Pastor Emeritus, Pastor Chan’s over 30 years serving at SFBC, we’ll also be taking up a separate love offering. To donate, please designate the donation as “Pastor Emeritus”. You’ll have until January 3rd to contribute. For those who like to use weekly offering envelopes, new sets of envelopes are available on the wall opposite our copier. Please be sure to fill in your name on the sign up sheet so we know who has which numbered set of envelopes. Quantities are limited. For those of you who only need an envelope occasionally, we do have individual offering envelopes available on the table to your left as you enter the worship hall.