Faly & Lily Ravoahangy

Faly & Lily Ravoahangy

Grace Ministries International (GMI)

Antananarivo, Madagascar
Donation Information

Faly Ravoahangy is involved with the 3M Preaching Institute as a teacher to train and equip men to study, obey, and teach God’s Word to become church leaders. He is part of a team to set up a printing system to print textbooks and documents for a future seminary, print biblical books in Malagasy and/or French. His ministry also involves training activities, conferences, and the planning of a future seminary. Faly is a teaching elder at Ankadivato Biblical Baptist Church and is involved in men’s ministry, theological training, and youth ministry.  His wife Lily is a leader of the women’s ministry at their church and provides biblical counseling to women and youth. Faly and Lily have five children, Daniel, Samuel, Emmanuelle, Gabrielle, and Rachel.

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